Concessional Rents

As a communityowned trust, we make property available to support the people of Masterton in community endeavours. By providing rentfree premises to community groups in Masterton, we’re able to help keep their services and activities affordable, or free for locals. Our concessional rent grants cover the annual rent cost for the Trustowned building the community group operates from. While these properties don’t provide a financial return, they deliver social, cultural and educational dividends to our community. They also provide a physical home – spaces for people to gather and connect, spaces to deliver much needed community assistance, and spaces for recreational pursuits. Current recipients of concessional rent grants include –

  • Wairarapa Woodworkers Guild – 138 Pownall Street
  • Masterton Foodbank – Radio House, 5 Church Street
  • Ahmadiyya Muslim Community – Radio House, 5 Church Street
  • Masterton Judo & Ju Jitsu Academy – Ngā Tōtara Hall, 203 Ngaumutawa Road
  • Aratoi, Wairarapa Museum of Art & History – 12 Bruce Street

Learn more about community property.

Concessional rent grants are reviewed annually by our Board to ensure the recipients continue to meet the concessional rent grant criteria through their service to the community.

Recipients are asked to submit a Concessional Rent Accountability Report in March of each year.

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Grant Stories

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

The Trust provides space in central Masterton for members of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community to join together regularly. It provides an essential hub where former refugees can gather and connect. “We are very thankful... this means a lot to us... to...

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NZ Society of Genealogists – Wairarapa

NZ Society of Genealogists – Wairarapa

In September 2022, the Trust found a new  home for the local branch of the NZ Society of Genealogists (NZSG). The branch opens weekly and supports people to research family histories. It has an extensive library, microfiche records and a host of...

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MTLT provides new home for Wairarapa Woodworkers Guild

MTLT provides new home for Wairarapa Woodworkers Guild

There will be more opportunities for local people to develop woodworking skills after Masterton Trust Lands Trust (MTLT) provided the Wairarapa Woodworkers Guild with a concessional rent grant and larger facility to operate from. The Guild has...

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