Our People

Our Trustees and management team serve the community through:

  • providing quality property for our tenants
  • maintaining and growing the Trust’s assets to maximise returns for the community, and
  • distributing returns through grants to benefit the people of Masterton.

Board of Trustees

Our Board consists of eight Trustees elected by voters living within the Trust district. Trustees serve a six year term. Every three years, as part of the local government elections, four Trustees must either retire or stand for re-election. The Board is currently led by Chair, Christine Brewster

Our Trustees meet formally eight times per year. There are also three sub-committees that meet as required:

  • Community Grants
  • Education Grants
  • Audit, Risk, and Property

Trustee remuneration is set by the New Zealand Remuneration Authority.

Contact our Trustees via our Trust Administrator

Christine Brewster

Christine Brewster
elected 2004

John Bunny

John Bunny
elected 2007

Sandy Ryan

Sandy Ryan
elected 2013

Bex Johnson

Bex Johnson
elected 2016

Gary Caffell

Gary Caffell
elected 2019

Tom Hullena

Tom Hullena
elected 2019

Bella McClymont

Bella McClymont
elected 2022

Monique Kloeg

Monique Kloeg
elected 2022


Our management team looks after the Trust’s day-to-day business relating to property, finance, grants and administration of the Board.

General Manager Andrew Croskery leads the team and reports to the Board on a regular basis. We are also supported by consultants who provide specialist advice when needed.

Working from the Trust Building at 189 Queen Street, Masterton, we’re open Monday to Friday. Team pictured left to right: